Look after your Black Seed Oil and your Black Seed Oil will look after you.
Below we have added some recommendations to help you get the most out of your Black Seed Oil…
- Although our Amber Glass bottles offer protection from most light-source wavelengths, we recommend that you always store your Black Seed Oil away from direct sunlight.
- Whilst being kept in a cupboard at room temperature is fine for unopened bottles – your oil will keep for considerably longer if stored at between 3-7 degrees celsius once opened (preferably in the fridge).
- For best results, once opened we recommend that you keep your oil refrigerated and consume by the ‘Best Before’ date printed on the bottle.
For further information or for dosage help & suggestions, see: Black Seed Oil Dosage Recommendations.

Our Black Seed Oil & Black Seed Oil Capsules are available in three different strengths.
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